Then, the next night, my husband was complaining of a stomach ache. I went out to deliver some pictures and he called to tell me that my little one threw up in he crib. Then, he put her in with Julianna so he could go throw up. I almost didn't want to go home. I loaded up on hand sanitizer and did my best to clean up all the sheets and pillows.
Well, I caught it anyway. You should have seen me, my husband, and Jaime in bed all day yesterday. She rebounded quickly, but my hubby and I were down the for the count. Thank goodness Jaime was so good. She let us lay in bed all day. Even my in-laws caught it.
So I had to reschedule a few sessions but I finally got back to work today. And I'm so glad I had Mr. M to start off my day. What a sweetie pie he was. He had just woken up from a nap so he was ready to play.
Mom was so nice too and the family dog was a riot. She wanted to be involved in everything. I had a blast today Faye. Thanks so much for inviting me into your beautiful home. Enjoy!

This is my absolute favorite one so far! Look at that face.

1 comment:
this shot is amazing!!!! funny how babies will put EVERYTHING in their mouth!
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