Their little brother, Mr. A, wanted no part of me though. He warmed up a bit by the end and I was able to get a great shot of his smile, thank goodness. And that's all us parents are really looking for, right? That one great shot. Hopefully that's what I'm able to do.
Tracey, I know you probably walked away from our session thinking there's no way she got any cute ones of A, but look at that face. Your other two are hilarious and please tell your little girl I will watch "High School Musical," soon, I promise!
I created a holiday card for you. Let me know what you think.

This is the back of the card.

And this is the front

1 comment:
Stacy these are BRILLIANT!!!! i can see how you have captured each of the kids!!!!
You were an absolute hit!!! the kids talked about you all day today! They really want to meet Julianna and Jamie.
Brilliant mate just brilliant!
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