Friday, December 19, 2008

I Love My Family

What a week it's been. My sister had her baby on Tuesday. Miss Hannah Banana was born at 11:12 on Dec. 16th. She was 9 lb.s, 4 oz., and she's got a full head of dark hair. The day she was born it was snowing and today she came home from the hospital and there was a blizzard. Mom and baby are home safe and everyone is doing well.

Meanwhile, during the snowstorm, I went out to photograph my nephew. He just turned 3 months and he's really developing a personality. He's all smiles and both my girls just love him soo much. All they ever want to do is hold him.

I snapped some pictures of Julianna and Jaime reading a book together too. All in all, it was a good week for family pictures. Oh, and I finally got my christmas cards out. Crisis averted!

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